A remarkable story of a man and his dog in a cave

Without a doubt, this has to be one of the most remarkable stories there are. It doesn’t come as a surprise that the filming of this beyond incredible process of digging inside a cave earned an Academy Award nomination for the best documentary. Truly remarkable.

In a high desert of Northern of Mexico, if you listen carefully, you just might hear something more than the wind… it’s the underground sound of a man “obsessed” with creating the extraordinary.


Rob Paulette has spent 25 years of his life crafting a cave and turning it into something so special that it takes people’s breath away. His only companion in this remarkable journey has been his loyal dog.

Rob is not a structural engineer, and he’s not an architect, he’s simply a man who has found his passion.

“Most of the wonder that I feel is in the actual making of the cave,” Rob says. “Once they are done I move on.”

YouTube/ CBS Sunday Morning

So far, he has dug a dozen caves, each of which more mesmerizing than the other.

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